Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE
Consultant/­Architekt (m/w/d)

Setze eigene Ideen um, baue Dein eigenes Team auf
und berate eigenständig Firmen von Start-Ups bis
Enterprise Unternehmen.

Wir suchen jemanden mit Gründergeist.
Jemand, der das Zepter in die Hand nimmt und
Projekte eigenständig ausführt.

Du arbeitest im Beratungs-Duo mit
unserem Geschäftsführer Mehmet.

Bewerben via:

(Schreib mir einfach eine Nachricht.)

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(bis zu 100%)

ab sofort


Als Dynamics Consultant ist
Deine Zeit wertvoll.
Zu wertvoll für diese

Lizenzberatung - und Verwaltung
Einem Dresscode folgen
Durch ganz DE/EU reisen
Mühsam Deine Projekte (Budgets, Stunden) tracken
Kleinteilige Entwicklungsarbeiten selber machen (Dafür haben wir ein Senior-Team im Rücken)


Wir suchen Dich als Nr. 4 in unserem Team.
Das heißt: Start-Up Flair. Ideen entwickeln.
Anpacken. Aufbauen.

Und das ist uns was wert.

Arbeite direkt mit Microsoft zusammen

Bis zu 100% Remote

Bezahlung je nach Seniorität - auf jeden Fall branchenüblich

Such dir deinen Laptop aus

Du-Kultur (Bei uns gibt’s keine Hierarchien - außer in Dynamics)

Auslastungs-Bonus (gemessen an gebuchten Stunden)

Vermögenswirksame Leistungen

Jobticket, Sportflat usw. - such dir was aus!

MCT Microsoft Certified Trainer logo Microsoft Certified Partner logo


Beratung mit einer Prise Gründergeist.

Wir suchen kein Zahnrad im großen Getriebe.
Wir brauchen jemanden, mit dem wir das Getriebe aufbauen können

Wenn Du nur stumpf Deine Zeit absitzen willst, bist Du hier falsch.

Im Alltag berätst Du unsere Kunden zu konzeptionellen Fragen rund
um Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform.

Dafür sprichst Du fließend "MS-Dynamics-365-CE-Stack".

Eigenverantwortlich Projekte durchziehen.

Du bekommst von Tag 1 an Verantwortung übertragen.
Dafür solltest Du proaktiv, gut organisiert und ein guter
Kommunikator sein. (Logisch, oder?)

Probleme kommen vor und werden bei uns offen angesprochen,
nicht totgeschwiegen.

Für unsere Kunden bist Du Ansprechpartner Nr. 1.

Menschen begeistern.

Extern wie intern. Beratung ist People Business.
Man muss Deine Begeisterung durch den Telefon- oder Videocall spüren.

Genauso kannst Du innerhalb einer Minute von locker auf professionell

Mir ist auch wichtig, dass wir beide uns gut verstehen.
Gerade in einem kleinem Team, muss das Zwischenmenschliche passen.

Deswegen gibt’s bei uns auch kein
aufgeblähten Bewerbungsprozess.

Lass uns einfach sprechen.


Wir sind unabhängige Microsoft-Dynamics Technologie- und Prozessberater.

Wir fangen da an zu beraten, wo andere nicht mehr weiterwissen.

Unsere Klienten:
headfound logo Messe Berlin Logo Microsoft Logo


Auch unser Geschäftsführer berät Tag-für-Tag Kunden und sitzt nicht däumchendrehend am Schreibtisch ;-)

Mehmet war 10 Jahre Consultant bei Microsoft-Partnern und zuletzt auch 3,5 Jahre bei Microsoft selbst.

Dieses Wissen wird natürlich an dich weitergegeben.


Die Leading GmbH ist heute die nächste Instanz nach Microsoft.

Mehmet (und vielleicht bald auch Du) berät hauptsächlich andere Microsoft-Partner.

Filip Gudelj

Senior Project Manager

Stepping in a SA role with Rabobank CE Migration seem not to be a hard bite for you! I was really impressed how you managed customer and delivered easy to understand migration approach (which is not always easy to explain) and worked with the team on unifying end to-be solution.The thing I most value about working with you is: Professionalism, proactive support and client-oriented approach. In general, it is really easy to work with you :)

Maik Heller

Senior Project Manager

You easily found your way into the project teams of the customer and Microsoft and fostered an open and honest collaboration. Coming always well prepared makes you a reliable member of the team. In addition you gained high credibility from the customer. This very much the result of you experience, but more specifically it is based on your business understanding and ability to translate requirements into business perspectives. No sure upon your ambition, but your capabilities communicating and collaborating with the customer on different levels, qualifies you for roles beyond a Senior Consultant. You might want to explore moving into an architect role or into a more advisory role.

Peter Krause

Senior Technical Specialist

Meanwhile we had already 3 direct customer interactions and a few chats together. In all situations, your experience as profound knowledge of Dynamics 365 was remarkable. In addition, the way you communicate and suggest improvements is very comfortable which makes the people you are working with feel valued and not overruled. Keep on bringing in your expertise in the way you do this. there are for sure many project or sales situations where an expert like you would be very helpful. If you could bring in your expertise in more situations (without being bound to just one project) I am sure this would increase the general level of quality in all engagements.

Nadine Sene

Principal Project Manager

The goal was to quickly replace a piece of the solution that had been implemented on forms pro by a more flexible one levering Power Portal, what he did perfectly. Mehmet has a very good technical background and product knowledge and is also able to understand the business constraints which is very comfortable. Work was done in the expected timeline and risks were raised when needed to enable remediation plan. It has been a pleasure for me to collaborate with Mehmet. Looking forward for our next collaboration on a longer period, I hope.

Dominique Mirandolle

Business Manager

Even though we worked together for only a short amount of time, it was a very positive collaboration. You were very understanding of the customer situation and handled the tasks very well, even though you came in as an "outsider" to the project. To me, this shows you have a great deal of experience. I appreciated very much that you took ownership of the work and made an elaborate analysis with clear explanation. Job well done end-to-end.

Carlos Calonge Cebrian

Senior Consultant

It has been a pleasure working with Mehmet throughout the AGCS upgrade project. He has demonstrated all the time very good technical and functional skills in Dynamics 365, maintaining an excellent relationship with the Customer and with the project team. He has an excellent attitude, going the extra mile for getting the work done. No doubt the project was a success thanks to his contribution!

Juergen Schlechtinger

Principal Project Manager

Mehmet you did a very good job in getting the trust of the customer at the very beginning of the project. You established a strong relationship to the project lead especially during the time of changing project staff. The customer was always able to contact you for all types of questions. I also liked that you are always very supportive in cases where we needed help outside of the standard hours of the work week as well as to spend time with the team after the official work hours. This helped to establish a very healthy teamwork over the whole project time.

Bernhard Becker

Project Manager

Mehmet is very reliable and engaged. He is able to understand a problem quickly and is able to organize himself to deliver a good solution.

Fabian Gackstatter


Mehmet always works against a plan. He is driving plans for his project deliveries as well as in his personal growth, e.g. always working on his career plan. By always having a solid plan to fall back on, Mehmet never loses his cool and always has a way to move forward. In order to enhance his plans, he actively seeks the guidance and support from his peers and other colleagues. I think you have a gift in understanding and analyzing problems and proposing solutions in a simple way. You always ask for advice when needed and, even more important, also take the advice to heart and use it. You are a quick study and take to new requirements and challenges very quickly.

Jim Wang

Principle Consultant (former MVP)

I have been working with Mehmet since the beginning of the project (largest Bank in the Netherlands, he has proved himself not only his technical expertise, but also customer leading skills - earning and building trust with the customer. Mehmet is also a very supportive colleague, an active listener and problem solver. From his conversations with the team and with the customer, I can tell that he certainly has a growth mindset with excellent communication skills. I enjoy working with Mehmet.

Stephan Mars


We've been working over one year together very successful at German army. You delivered your agreed artefacts in time and budget always in high quality with a strong customer focus striving to create valuable solutions for problems accrued within the solution. I like your calm and very polite way of communicating with the customer and the entire team. Your contribution is important for the team health. Your very passionate and you really like working for Microsoft.

Heike Rausch

Senior Consultant

Du bist für mich, wie wohl für alle in unserem Team, sowohl in der Zusammenarbeit in Projekten, aber auch innerhalb des Business Application Teams ein wichtiger und geachteter Ansprechpartner. Dein technisches Know-How und die Qualität deiner Arbeit sind herausragend und werden von Kunden und Kollegen sehr geschätzt. Was ich in der Zusammenarbeit mit dir am meisten mag, ist wie unkompliziert und pragmatisch wir untereinander Ideen oder Informationen austauschen, um entsprechend den Anforderungen die optimale Lösung für den Kunden zu erarbeiten. Es macht uns alle traurig, dich als Team-Mitglied zu verlieren und ich hoffe sehr, dass wir weiterhin in Kontakt bleiben werden!

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